Wheezing And Coughing in Children

Wheezing And Coughing in Children


Do you know the common symptoms of your child's illnesses? Have you got the list of the symptoms that you have learned from the paediatricians? Well, if you have got the list then add coughing and wheezing to it as well. These two symptoms are common and do not really mean that your child is in a serious health condition. The child specialist doctor in Siliguri can help your child relieve the symptoms of coughing and wheezing. The child specialist will also advise some tips to care for the symptoms at home. However, your child needs the help of the paediatrician if the symptoms become more serious.

Table of Contents: 

  • What are the causes of coughing and wheezing in children?
  • When to seek paediatrician help for coughing and wheezing in children?
  • Conclusion

What are the causes of coughing and wheezing in children?

There are various causes of coughing and wheezing in children. You have to take a deeper look and pay attention to the health condition of your child in this case. The two conditions, coughing and wheezing can be problematic if it goes on a continuation or regular basis. When this thing goes frequently and emergency treatment may require. Being unwell is the cause of coughing but if your child starts coughing without being unwell then check whether he/she is choking.

Here are some of the most common causes of coughing and wheezing in children. And these are also the causes which child specialist doctor in Siliguri recommends parents to pay attention:

  • Common cold and viruses are the common cause of coughing
  • Croup, which leads to hoarse cough
  • The chest infection called bronchiolitis
  • Smoking around children is also a massive cause
  • Allergy to the specific substances
  • Whooping cough
  • Pneumonia
  • Asthma

When to seek paediatrician help for coughing and wheezing in children?

A severe respiratory attack can stop the breathing process in children. If coughing and wheezing don't settle at home, you have to take your child to the child specialists immediately. Seek the help from child specialist doctor in Siliguri if the breathing of your child becomes noisy. Look whether the skin of your baby turns blue or very pale because it might be another sign to call the paediatrician. The unusual tiredness and the temperature over 37 degrees Celsius also mean that your child needs immediate medical help.

As per the advice from child specialist doctor in Siliguri, you can clear coughing in your child within a couple of weeks. If the mild coughing goes on for three weeks then, the smartest decision would be to see the paediatrician. As a responsible parent, understand the condition because if you understand it then your baby will get treatment on time. 

Note: Dr Prince Parakh is a perfect medical mentor for your child who you can fully trust. This medical blog content is specially focused on coughing and wheezing in children. Although the condition isn't that serious still the support of paediatrician should be taken if the child doesn't help at home.

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