6 Ways To Prevent Your Child From Getting The Flu

6 Ways To Prevent Your Child From Getting The Flu


Influenza, or the "flu," is a dangerous infection that causes thousands of hospital admissions in children. Most often, it affects kids under the age of five. An estimated 20,000 of these kids end up in the hospital each year because of influenza. It might not be easy to get through this time and make sure your kid stays well, but it can be easier when you visit your child to a professional best baby doctor in Siliguri.

Obtain A Flu Vaccination

Everyone six months of age and older should be vaccinated against influenza each year, according to the Centres for Disease Control. Pregnant women and other individuals who are more vulnerable to flu complications should particularly consider getting vaccinated. Encourage the people who look after your kid, including family members, to get the flu vaccination.

Go Outside Or Indoors And Begin Moving

Regular moderate exercise helps strengthen children's immune systems. Being active might help lessen cold and flu symptoms.

Make Sure You Get Enough Rest

Depending on their age, children need to sleep for nine to fourteen hours per day. Lack of sleep may impair immune function and raise the chance of illness.

Maintain A Balanced Diet

Serve a variety of vibrant fruits and vegetables during meals to strengthen kids' immune systems. Look for foods high in vitamin D and C, and steer clear of those high in sugar, preservatives, and chemicals.

Fruit, protein, and veggies that are healthy. Consuming processed meals high in sugar may lower immunity by impeding the body's ability to fight off illness. Give your children wholesome options without giving them the opportunity to choose a less nutritious snack.

Hand Hygiene

Make sure kids wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with hot water and soap, particularly before they eat, after using the toilet, and just after they cough or sneeze.

Educate kids never to leave tissues lying about and to always throw them away after using them. If tissues aren't available, children should be taught to cough or sneeze into their elbows rather than their hands. This lessens the possibility of germs being transferred via contact.

Reduce Your Tension

Decreased immunity may result from elevated stress hormones. To help kids reduce stress and avoid illness, give them plenty of downtime for relaxation and creative play.

After Having The Flu, When May My Kid Return To School?

It's normal for parents to worry when their kid misses school, but it's crucial to prioritize health. A child's return to school while still infectious puts others at risk and endangers their healing. To further determine if they are prepared to return to a learning setting, see whether they have recovered their appetite and energy.

When children do become ill, parents should keep them at home and take precautions to stop the transmission of viruses to other children. To get help, don’t hesitate or wait to consult your best baby doctor in Siliguri.

Although sharing is beneficial for children, many frequently shared objects might harbour bacteria. Instruct kids never to share anything that meets their mouths or faces, such as straws, cups, hats, and scarves.

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